At A-1 Inspection our inspectors will provide you with a knowledgeable opinion and complete on-the-spot report on the condition of the various systems that make up the dwelling as well as an assessment of the integrity of the structure. Our reports assess non-cosmetic components and their possible deficiencies. The report should explain condition and maintenance of components, and identify potential problem areas that may be negotiable and affect your offering price and ultimately your final price.
A thorough home inspection will identify the status of the structure and it's systems and call to your attention the conditions that affect the value, desirability, habitability, or safety of a dwelling which may ultimately affect a buyer's decision to buy. Repair estimates and repair solutions are beyond the scope of home inspectors, however, any adverse conditions found and their relevance to the integrity of the home should still be reported within the body of the inspection report. The general idea is for the home inspector to remain unbiased, providing full disclosure of the inspected property, and leave negotiating issues to the buyer and seller.
We Provide Inspections for NY:
- Single & Multiple Family Homes
- Condos, Co-ops, Town-homes
- Residential Multiple Dwellings
- Commercial Property

When your residential inspection is complete and if you have any questions, our inspectors at A-1 will take the time to discuss them with you. We are always available to answer any questions your have about your inspection report. You are always our customer, even after you purchase your home. A-1 inspectors will discuss maintenance procedures that may help in prolonging the life expectancy of any component of a major system in your home or building. Our experienced home inspectors can determine the age of most major system appliances such as furnaces, air conditioners or water heaters, and should determine if the appliances are operating properly and that they are safe.
In order for home inspectors to prepare a report, a visual inspection must be conducted. We strongly recommended that you and any other friend, family member or other professional accompany your inspector, and you take your own notes as well. This will give you the opportunity to ask questions and become familiar with the systems and components of your prospective home.
Systems and components that are typically viewed during a single family home inspection are:
- Structural Systems - Foundations, Framing, Roof Structure, Home Insulation
- Mechanical Systems - Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Electrical, Heating Systems, Fireplaces
- Roofing Components of a home - Roof Coverings, Flashings, Drainage, Venting, Sheathing
- Interior Components - Floors, Walls, Ceilings, Windows & Doors, Bathrooms, Kitchens
- Exterior - Siding, Trim, Windows, Doors, Grading, Decks, Porches, Patios, Walks, Chimneys, Gutters, Stairs/Steps, Retaining Walls